Social Media Image Size Matters, Here's Why

Social Media Image Size Matters, Here's Why | Eleanor Stones

Here’s a social media fact for you: posts with images or video will always perform better than those without. If you’ve been posting text alone, here’s your call to start adding images in to level up you social media marketing game.

For those looking to take this to the next level, I’d suggest optimising your images for each social media platform.


The algorithm and your audience will love you for it.

Social media algorithms will always prioritise optimised images over others. This means that when you create images that are the right size for the platform, your posts will be pushed out to more people and your reach is increased.

Because your images are now so visual, you’re audience are more likely to pause their scroll-athon to take a closer look at your post. They’re going to be more inclined to like, comment or click through on your post too.

With more engagement also comes more reach. With more reach, more engagement. It’s a cycle, see! Combined with good content and a strong social media marketing plan, your engagement should continue to grow.

Here’s your social media image size guide for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and LinedIn to get you started:

(Last updated: December 2019)

social media image size guide | Eleanor Stones


(Last updated: December 2019)