Custom or Template: Which is Right for Your Website?

Custom-or-Template--Which-is-Right-for-Your-Website | Eleanor Stones

So, you know for sure that your brand and website is in need of a helping hand from an expert in the field. But templates or custom design? You’re just not sure which one is right for you.

Well, my friend, you’re in the right place. I’m a firm believer that there is a place and time for both custom or template designs in your business. Today I’m going to guide you through the two so you can feel confident you’re making the right decision when investing in taking your business to the next level.

Custom or template? Let’s dive on in…


Fully Custom Design

Fully custom sites do exactly what they say on the tine. They are where a client (you) hires a designer like me who specialises in building websites from the ground up.

Price: Hiring a designer will range anywhere from £600-£5000. This depends completely on who you go with and what you need from a site.


  • Your design is fully custom so you’ll really stand out from the crowd.

  • You’ll receive a higher level of help from an expert on a 1:1 basis so the design and experience can be completely tailored to you and your business.

  • If you want someone to do your SEO, a custom project often includes this in the price.

  • If you were born without a tech bone in your body, or creativity doesn’t flow as easily as you’d like, hiring a designer might be the best option.

  • If what you’re looking for in a website or brand is a little niche, an expert will be able to help you work through your requirements without the need for hours on Google.


  • This option is more expensive so might not be for you if the purse strings are a little tight.

  • Depending on the designer, it might take a while to complete the project. However, some designers like me are opting for a shorter time scale so you’ll know exactly when to pop your bubbly to celebrate.

  • You might understand how to make edits to your site. However, some designers (me included) will guide you through your site and teach you how to maintain it. If they don’t, you may need to pay out down the line for further updates.

When should you hire a designer?

If you’ve been in business a little longer with some money in the bank, this is probably going to be the best option for you. After a year or so in your business, you’ll be able to fully understand your business message, audience and exactly what you’re offering them.

You see, we can be as prepped as we possibly can be at the start of our business journey, but quite often this can shift and change. When we’re in the throws of running our business, we learn so much that our goals and vision might move around. If you’ve invested £££ in a custom design only to find it doesn’t align with your business a couple of months down the line, you’re not going to be a happy bunny. By running your business for a year or so, this gives us enough of this flexible time to know exactly what you want from your site and branding.

Now, this isn’t going to be the case for everyone as each business is different. I totally get that. If this is the case, the main point to consider is budget. Just make sure your designer is showing you how to edit and update your website or you have the budget to hire someone out every month or so to make changes.

Finally, if you know your site is a little less straightforward or ‘out of the box’, you may want to hire a designer. They’re going to be able to use their expertise, knowledge and experience to mould a site fully around you and your businesses needs.

One things for sure, custom sites are fully built with you in mind. This makes them amazing for business owners! If any of these sound like you, a custom designed site might just be for you!


Template Design

Squarespace templates vary a little bit due to the nature of the platform. Some designers will send you the details and tools to build your template before customising it, whereas others (like me) will transfer the template over to you before giving you tools and guidance on editing your site ready for launch.

Price: Templates can range anywhere from £60 - £400. All of my templates are priced at £195 and transferred into your Squarespace account ready to edit.


  • A template is much cheaper than a custom design.

  • You like getting creative but don’t want to start with a blank screen.

  • You want to really learn as you go in a very practical way.


  • You’ll have to put the hours in yourself. If you’re short on time, this might not be the best option for you.

  • Your template won’t be completely custom to your business needs so you may need to spend time editing it if your requirements are more niche

When should you buy a template?

Templates are perfect for those who don’t want to start from scratch with a blank page. So, if you want to have access the resources of an expert without paying a premium price, this could be a great option.

If you’re new to the business, I’d strongly recommend a template to get you up and running. Getting a website online is an important task to tick off the to do list, no matter the age of your business. However, your business is likely to change and adapt in your first year of business as you learn more about your values, customers and offerings. Being in control over making changes whilst you are in this transition period is really important. The changes may be small or who pages may need reworking to match the alternations to your business model. Having a template gives you the flexibility without investing a large sum into your website.

After the first year, you’re likely much more clued up about your exact requirements for a website. At this point, it may be time to turn to a designer for a custom experience. And chances are, your budget will have more room to accommodate the investment.


Either way, you can have a beautiful site that taps into the expertise of a web designer. It can be up and running in no time at all. It’s an exciting time as a business owner, it’s such a joy to share those ‘going live’ moments with business owners just like you!


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