How to be Consistent with Social Media

Consistency on Social Media | Eleanor Stones

Ever felt stuck on a social media roundabout without any results?

People just seem to be effortlessly winning at social media. They have an engaged audience and it looks like countless sales too. But you’re going round in circles producing endless content and yet - crickets. 🦗

Life happens, things get busy, it starts to feel like the ultimate chore. Your social media begins to gather dust.

But somewhere deep down there’s a niggling feeling. You know how important it is to show up regularly for your current and new audiences. The guilt creeps in but it’s all too much to face digging up your social media demons.

This is a story I hear time and time again from small business owners. Please, please know that you are not alone. But also that there is a way off of the social media roundabout.


The hard truth of it is that social media is a long term game. Sure we can make moves to get immediate results and short term gains by tweaking your social media profile and posts. But the effort you put in now will really be rewarded months down the line - if you are consistently showing up within that period.

“All overnight success take about 10 years” - Jeff Bezos

Jess Bezos speaks so much truth. I’ll repeat it. All overnight success stories take about 10 years. Ten whole years. Not the quick fix we hoped, huh?

In today’s day and age it is completely expected that your business has a social media presence that is kept up to date. Without it you’re losing out on wonderfully dreamy clients knocking on your door. However, to grow a successful social media profile for your business will cost you. Either in terms of your time or the business piggy bank. At the end of the day it’s often a bitter pill to swallow for new business owners.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. No-no, not at all. It’s all about figuring out what works for you so you no longer feel trapped on that merry-go-round of social media hell. Instead, you can relax knowing you’re on the right path to social media success for your business.

See, when you find your groove and your people, you can transform your business with social media by showing up regularly.

So, what’s right for you?



Perhaps this is where you are in this moment?

The pros? It’s the cheapest way to get social media posts out there.

Learning as you go can mean that results are slow and your time gets eaten up very quickly. There are tons of blogs, videos and podcasts out there on the subject but watch out as these might not be right for your business. I often find small business owners come to me for support after struggling their way through and unfortunately losing their motivation and consistency on the journey.

If this is your chosen route then always focus on consistency, authenticity and quality to succeed. Take a look at this blog post for the number one pitfall I see on social media with entrepreneurs.

Are you looking to take your business seriously from the get-go? Perhaps you want to quit that job or reach your next income goal sticky noted above your desk? Then maybe one of the next two options is more aligned to you and your business.


TRainings, Workshops and Strategies

Ideal for those just starting out, this is perfect if you are on a shoestring but looking to take your business to the next level.

Let an expert guide you through social media dos and don’ts with one-on-one or group workshops designed to give you the edge on socials.

You’ll need to put in the time after the experts have left the room. BUT. There’ll be no worrying what you are posting is wrong, misaligned or getting you further away from your goals. You can show up confidently on social media on a regular basis. Ahh, bliss!

Get in touch today to see how we can help your social media a nudge in the right direction.


Hire it out

Lastly we have the option of hiring out the work completely. It might be the most costly to begin with but just think of all the time you get back to spend working with your clients!

In fact, this tends to pay for itself as your social media conversions grow and you can take on more clients. A.K.A. money in the bank.

If you’re interested in hiring our your social media marketing to give you assurance that it’s optimised for your business goals, get in touch and we can arrange a free consultation to chat through your options.


You may notice that the option that works best for your business may shift as you grow and your goals change.

Social media marketing is a long term game but one that’s well worth the investment. But rest assured, it doesn’t have to be a headache. It’s just a matter of finding your fit!