Eleanor Stones

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5 Reasons Blogging isn’t dead

“Blogging for business is dead” I hear them say.


^ A very accurate depiction of the face I make.


Because, whilst the landscape of owning a small business has changed over time, blogging is still an incredible tool for drawing in, nurturing and converting audiences for businesses of all different shapes and sizes.

So, in this blog, I’m going to walk you through my top 5 reasons why blogging for your business is anything but dead.

And in the process, I’ll be raking in all these juicy benefits myself 😍

1. IT’s evergreen

If you’ve never heard of the term evergreen in business, allow me to explain. Evergreen content is exactly like the trees - it remains strong season after season, year after year.

Let’s take this blog post I’m happily tapping into the keyboard at the moment. This moment I’m writing could be very different from the time you, dear reader, are digesting it. In fact, it could be months or years down the line.

This means that, unlike an Instagram post, this blog will be able to nurture my audience well into the future. Like a jar of honey, a blogs shelf life is looooong.

I think it’s pretty magical, that.

When I look at my website stats, I like to take a look at what blogs are the most popular each month - as well as where new audiences are coming to find me through. Well, brilliantly it’s often a blog that’s 12 months or further down the line that’s still pulling the hard graft.

Top tip: create blogs without fixed dates to ensure your audience or search engines don’t pinpoint your post to one specific time.

2. You get in front of dreamy clients or customers

How? I hear you cry.

With a little help from search engines like Google. Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is a method used by small businesses to appear in desired search results.

We use blogging to meet our dreamy clients and customers where they are out in the world. So by creating blog content that is designed to answer your audience’s questions about your services, products or industry, Google will present your posts in front of your clients.

Like a beautiful snowball rolling down the hill, blogs have the ability to attract dreamy audiences for years to come. That’s because it’s an accumulative effect.

For example, I’ve spent years creating blog posts about Squarespace website design. All that has paid off as I now rank exactly where I want to be for my related terms. Let me tell you from experience, it’s going to be very satisfying when you hit these goals too!

3. It’s Free

If you’ve already got a website for your business on Squarespace, blogging isn’t going to be any more costly for you. Free marketing? In a world of paid social adverts, it’s a YES PLEASE from me.

This means whether you’re setting up your business on a shoestring or you’re a million-pound company years into the business, blogging is a powerful tool to make the most of.

4. It’s REUSABLE Elsewhere

A piece is content is just like a little black dress, a staple that can be reused time and time again. By creating a single piece of content, you have something in your back pocket to share, tweak or repurpose for another platform.

For example, after writing this blog post:

  1. I can use each section as a separate social media post. That’s 5 social posts right off the bat.

  2. Then I can tease it apart for my email list. That’s a couple of emails at least.

  3. I can then chat through this list in a video on YouTube.

  4. Then I can simply use the sound recording from the video as a Podcast episode.

  5. Then I’ll create a video for Reels/TikTok running through the reasons.

That’s at least 10 extra pieces of content from the original. Handy, huh?

5. You can Automate Your Sales Process

If we get strategic with our posts, blogging can completely automate your sales process.

  1. We introduce our brand to them by appearing in search engine results for exactly what they’re searching.

  2. We showcase our value with our content, helping to answer their question and therefore nurturing our relationship with them.

  3. We then perhaps invite them to take a look at more related content, again cementing just how valuable you are to them.

  4. Then maybe you invite them to join your email list by offering an incentive like an email training, webinar or discount.

  5. Either in our email marketing or on our blog we can also ask for the sale. Whether it’s talking about your higher ticket items or introducing them to the brand with something more affordable, it’s a step in the door with your dreamy new client.

You might like: How to Write Content that Converts.

I mean, sure it will help to promote your blog on Pinterest and chat about it over on socials. But once these posts are out there and the systems are in place, you don’t have to do so much as lift a finger.

Affiliate marketing is another great income stream for small business owners. By creating content about your favourite brands and using affiliate links (don’t forget to announce it if you are), you have another automated sales process working for you in the background. Amazing, right?!

Ah, sweet sweet blogging. One that is here to stay when it comes to marketing your small business, wouldn’t you say?

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